How to treat varicose veins: is the best remedy

Varicose veins present every second person after 40. Some are it seems a lot of swollen veins, and others only occasional pain and fatigue in the legs. For the treatment of a disease, we need in any stage of its flow, to prevent any complications. Think about this, how to treat varicose veins folk remedies, as well as the use of medications and external resources.

how to treat varicose veins

Surgical treatment of varicose veins

Let's start with the categorical way to understand that is better not to bring this up. And then learn how to treat varicose veins without surgery.

Operation is used at the last stages of the disease, or when other methods do not work.

The removal of blood

Includes an incision in a vein or puncture to be released a certain amount of blood (300 ml). This allows you to start the backup mechanisms of the blood flow. After excision the vein, you can also enter the medications.

For the procedure sometimes used leeches. Not only does it suck blood, but also inject in the vein of a substance, which increases the therapeutic effect of the procedure.


To partially treat varicose veins on the leg, with the use of phlebectomy. This is an operation to remove the affected veins. As a result of such interventions can achieve the best cosmetic effect: your legs are smooth, without protruding blood vessels. Therapeutic use is also, of course, is: blood flow is re-established.

Phlebectomy can be carried out surgically when the lesion is in Vienna, are literally derived from the General circulation with a hook. The second way is with a laser. Injected into the vein, the laser fiber, under the influence of which the walls are glued together and fused. Vienna has ceased to function.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins

Still most people wondered whether it is possible to treat varicose veins without surgery. Yeah, maybe, but only if a timely approach. For the treatment of varicose veins are consistently and comprehensively, with the use of several types of treatment.

Treatment with medications

Or treatment of pills. The so-called tablet of the varicose veins does not exist. However, there are medications that can improve the tone of veins, strengthen the walls, reducing inflammation and thinning the blood. Modern and effective drugs are:

  • Anticoagulants.
  • The Decongestants.
  • Disaggregants.
  • To address hyperpigmentation of the skin.
  • Antioxidants.

Medications must be prescribed by a doctor or vascular surgeon in the complex therapy. Just because the pills enable you to cure my leg from varicose veins. You will need to use other methods.

External methods of dealing with varicose veins

There are several options that can be combined or replaced.

Compression socks

Wearing special Golf or socks, which are different areas of different pressure feet, allows not only to prevent swelling and fatigue, but also for improving the function of blood vessels. Wearing such a Jersey is not painful, does not cause discomfort. The Problem lies in the correct selection of the compression ratio. It is desirable, that is determined by the doctor, because it depends on the severity of the occurrence of varicose veins.

How to treat varicose veins, only wearing socks? First, you need to do is to regularly putting on sweaters in the morning and clearing in the evening. This is very useful, especially for those who are sedentary or standing work. Secondly, to achieve the effect, you can wear slimming socks under ointment against varicose veins, which are to be described later. Compression socks can be worn both women and men. For the latter, there are special socks and tights in black, so that they cannot be distinguished from the normal clothing.

Ointments and creams against varicose veins

This is a great auxiliary method of treatment. Put a special ointment at night and compression socks.

Thanks for the external resources, it is possible to achieve the following results:

ointment varicose veins
  1. pain in the legs;
  2. reduction in the level of swelling;
  3. improvements in the valve system;
  4. increased tone of the venous walls;
  5. the restoration of the blood flow;
  6. the prevention of complications.

Feedback note the effect of the use of ointments along with pills and wearing compression socks. If you smear your feet and do not do anything – the results will not be. Although, if we are talking about the prevention of varicose veins, ointment would be sufficient.

Foot massage and contrast shower

Now, how to treat varicose veins in legs at home. Those suffering from varicose veins should include in your daily routine two procedures: a contrast shower (alternating cool and warm water) and massage. The latter can be combined with the rubbing of ointment, or use a special massage ball.

Massage and contrast shower will help to improve the flow of blood. It also promotes the resorption of small thrombi, which subsequently will not be developed in a dense obstruction to blood vessels.

The traditional method against varicose

You can try to treat varicose veins folk remedies. However, this method has to be discussed with the doctor and is also used in a comprehensive way. Here are some of the recipes from the magazine healthy way of life.

The leaves of the burdock

To obtain burdock in the Park or forest. At home wash them under running water. Pre-wrap the legs in a single layer of sterile bandage. Then attach some of the leaves with the back to warm up the boiler for a few seconds. Use warm cups on your feet at night. Use this remedy every other day for 2 weeks. Helps with pain and swelling.

Apple cider vinegar

If the foot no trophic ulcers and other damage, it is possible to RUB them with Apple cider vinegar at night. After a month of daily grinding the nodes, that will solve, your feet will be visually more beautiful and smooth. If there are no problems with the stomach and intestines, Apple cider vinegar can be drunk. 1 tbsp diluted in a glass of water, add honey and drink half an hour before Breakfast.


You will need 100 g of powdered spices. The powder is poured 0.5 liters of vodka and insist in a dark container for 10 days. Every day you need to shake the bottle (the Bank). After this, the medium is filtered and the use of 20 drops before meals. Can be used for the treatment.

Where would it be better for the treatment of varicose veins

Is it possible to cure varicose veins at home? This question is raised for people who do not have time for hospital treatment, and only those who don't like health care facilities. Home treatment is possible; the person can continue to go to work. But, to choose and appoint all the procedures, which are still the doctor (angiologist). Also on the schedule of visits of the patient, to monitor disease dynamics.

The most severe cases of varicose veins can be treated in the clinic, at the Department of vascular surgery. If such an office does not, the patient can be put in conventional surgery. The procedures in this case are assigned injections (diuretics, swelling), dropper (to purify and thin the blood), pill. If for a particular time conditions have not improved, your doctor may raise the question about the need for phlebectomy or another type of surgery.

Quickly cure your varicose veins will not work, either in the hospital or at home. Also, after removal of the affected vein is required to comply with for the prevention to save the result.

How to prevent varicose veins

Important question: is it possible to cure varicose veins forever? That, if after the elimination of all the symptoms, you need to follow some simple preventive measures.

  • Continue to wear compression socks (at least a few days in the week).
  • In the year to drink 1-2 course of tablets to support vein health to normal.
  • If you want to move more, to do self-massage or massage, do not forget to wash.
  • Try to avoid very high heels and socks with a tight elastic strap.
treatment of varicose veins

The prevention of varicose veins easily; this is the frequency. If you ignore the procedures, varicose can start again. And this will again be addressed. And treatment of disease is always more exhausting, as is its prevention.